You Might Be Able To Eat More Potatoes Than You Thought Find Out Why

Study Suggests You May Be Able To Consume More Potatoes Than You Thought
Fans of spuds, rejoice! A recent study suggests that potatoes may not be as harmful as we long believed.
You could be worried about how your body is being affected if you like potato salad, scalloped potatoes, or sweet potato fries. The good news is that potatoes may be healthier than previously believed, according to recent research.

2,523 people aged 30 and above participated in the Boston University study, which was conducted and published in the Journal of Nutritional Science. To determine if regular use of potatoes by healthy people would hurt their cardiometabolic health, researchers analyzed the participants' eating behaviours and health over time.

What happened in the study

Although this study was only recently released in September 2022, data collection from around 70% of participants really started in 1971 and was continued throughout the following years. The researchers examined the quantity and kind of potatoes that individuals would consume, such as white potatoes and sweet potatoes.
Regarding preparation, participants consumed 36% baked potatoes, 28% fried potatoes, 14% mashed potatoes, and 9% boiled potatoes, with the other possibilities. The individuals' continued health was also recorded by the researchers.

The study's results

Overall findings among healthy people revealed no association between consuming four or more cups of white or sweet potatoes per week, whether fried or not and an elevated risk of diseases including hypertension and dyslipidemia.

Beyond that, those who had fried potato meals had a decreased chance of experiencing a range of health problems if they consumed less red meat and engaged in more physical activity. They were specifically 26% less likely to have high triglycerides and 24% less likely to acquire Type 2 diabetes.

The study's implications

According to DJ Blatner, RDN, CSSD, author of the Flexitarian Diet, "it's not unexpected that potatoes weren't related with the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, or raised triglycerides because potatoes are a full, unprocessed food"

"A vegetable with great starches and fibre is potatoes. One medium potato has a lot of potassium, an electrolyte that supports the health of the heart, muscles, and neurological system "Explained Blatner. They are also a great source of vitamin C, which prevents cellular damage by acting as an antioxidant.

Regarding the main advantages of eating potatoes, Blatner says that they are "nutrient-dense vegetables," which 90% of people don't get enough of. According to the U.S. Dietary Guidelines, we should consume at least 2.5 cups of vegetables per day, with 5 cups of starchy vegetables each week.

The only thing to watch out for, suggests Blatner, is what you pair them with. "Use potatoes in balanced meals rather than just dinners with meat or burgers. Enjoy traditional [baked] potato toppings like sour cream, cheese, and butter, but in modest portions. Additionally, experiment with various nutrient-dense toppings like avocado, green onions, and vegetable and bean chilli."